Bendy and The Ink Machine

My opinion on the first chapter

In my opinion, the first chapter is a bit boring. To start off we hear Henry, the person we play as say, “alright, Joey. I’m here, lets see if I can find what you wanted me to see,” and for the rest of the chapter we collect eight items to put on pedestals to power the ink machine. Once you power it the ink demon, the main antagonist, jump scares you. You then try run off to the exit but end up falling down a long hole in the floor. Once you get up, you find an axe and chop down some boards and then get to this pentagram, then get a bunch of visions and pass out. This is the end of the first chapter. The reason I think it is boring is because there is only one jump scare in the entire chapter. Bendy and the ink machine chapter one

Bendy’s birthday

The first chapter to bendy and the ink machine came out in February 10, 2017. The first chapter “moving pictures,” only took five days to complete, this is surprising to me because usually, games take way longer to complete.

the day it came out

Alison the angel

In chapter 5 of bendy and the ink machine, “The Last Reel,” Alison gives us a device to see things the human eye regularly can’t. This shows that the only reason we survived is because of Alison, because when Tom and Alison abandon us we look on the wall with the device, and it says, “grab the spoon,” The spoon is actually a lever and once you pull it down a secret room opens and you can get a gent pipe. Once you grab the gent pipe, you can then break down the boards keeping you from escaping. Alison is the only reason because the ink demon was coming when you are trying to escape, if you stayed then the ink demon would have gotten you.

Tom the traitor

In the fifth chapter to bendy and the ink machine, “The Last Reel,” Tom is always being mean to Henry, the person we play as. In this chapter, Alison gives us a bowl of bacon soup, when Tom sees the special treatment she is giving Henry, he flings the bowl out of the way. Another time Tom was being mean was when Alison was fixing his robotic arm, Alison walked out of frame and Tom looked at Henry angerly. Tom also convinced Alison to leave Henry for the ink demon.

Just the way the devil likes it

Bacon soup, the only thing we have to eat in the entire game is a soup can that says “just the way the devil likes it,” this six inch can has a ton of appearances in the game, it was originally introduced in chapter two, there was one or two cans at the start and a bunch on a shelf in the room with the gate. There was also a ton in chapter three, chapter four, and chapter five. In chapter four, you can use an empty bacon soup can to bate the butcher gang, three monsters who are also against Henry, into going where they heard you throw the can, letting you just barely get past them and turn on a lever. Another useful resource for the bacon soup, is that in the second game, bendy and the dark revival, you can eat the bacon soup to get your health back up. This shows that bacon soup is a very useful item in the game.

Henry’s audio log

In bendy and the ink machine chapter 3, you can hear Henry’s one and only audio log throughout the entire game. To get this fun Easter egg, you have to play right up to the end of chapter three when Alice gives her final request, which is to collect five hearts from level 14 on the elevator. Then go into the elevator and turn right when you get to the stairs, break down the boards with the gent pipe, turn the secret valve, then go back to level nine and use the stairs rather than the elevator, and then you will see a newly opened room, containing Henry’s one and only audio log. His exact words were, “only two weeks into this company and already its gotten interesting. Joey is a man of ideas… and only ideas. When I agreed to start this whole thing with him I thought there would be a little more give and take. Instead I give and he takes. I haven’t seen Linda for days now. Still, someone has to make this happen. When in doubt, just keep drawing Henry. On the plus side, I’ve got a new character I think people are going to love.”

Why I love it

I absolutely love bendy and the ink machine because I first discovered it when I was six. I use to watch family gaming channels playing it all day. I also love it because it has an amazing lore to it. Another reason I love it is because all of the characters, some characters are, Sammy Lawrence, ink demon, Alice angel, Alison, Tom, Boris, and the projectionist, and that is just a fraction of all the characters!

Sammy Lawrence

Sammy is a searcher but with a mask and overalls. His first appearance was in chapter two, when you open his sanctuary he stares at you from above. Then when you finally get the end of chapter two he hits you on the head with a dust pan. He then brings you back to a room and ties you up, this is so he can sacrifice you to the ink demon, when he tries to sacrifice you, he opens a big door and speaks on a loud speaker. This is because he wants to get the ink demons attention and let him get you. But Sammy’s plan doesn’t work and the ink demon ends up getting him. This is Sammy’s one of three deaths, another one is where he comes back in chapter five and tries to finish off Henry. Right when Henry is about to get an axe in the face, Tom comes in and stabs Sammy. Sammy’s last death is in bendy and the dark revival when he is in the background and tries to worship the ink demon but ends up getting shot by Allison and falls down. In chapter two, when Sammy ties us up he says, “Wait, you look so familiar… that face,” this shows that he remembers when he was still human and working with Henry. Sammy is definitely one of my favorite characters in bendy and the ink machine.

5 thoughts on “Bendy and The Ink Machine

  1. Wow! Really nice blog Jax! Any specific other characters that are your favorite? I like Alice Angel. She’s really hard to beat In Dark Revival. Hope you have a nice day! ~Ayden~

  2. I think that this game is really good, i like it the most because its one of those games that your character talks.

    1. One day I was watching fgteev when I was like five, and saw a bendy video posted and I have loved the games ever since!

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