Road trips

If you like road trips

If you like going on road trips them you should stay on this page. The best thing about road trips is, it’s about having complete freedom. Most adults as 55%of then like to travel during the 4th of July. People like adults only want to be on the road for at least 3 hours but imagine Being on an 15 hours. I have been to New Jersey it was my favorite place to go on a road trip. But apparently the best place is right hear on a link to find a good road trip for you and your family .

Blue ridge parkway

The longest liner park is the blue ridge way. Speaking of long never drive to Mexico it is 3 days long and when I did that it was fun but really long. Doing that would be good top do in the summer, also in every summer my family and I go on road trips to the beach. We always go to New Jersey it so much fun I got slot of sea shells there.they say that the blue ridge parkway is the most popular place to go on a rod trip, that sounds like that that would be fun.

People and there road trips

Did you know that more 200million Americans will take a road trip at any time giving time in the summer. And I am one of the 200 million people. My dad and I always go on road trips to his cabin in a car well his truck. Since I said that I need to give you a fact. 97%of summer travel is done by a car with road trips I wonder what the other 3% is? I’m so glad that my family and I go on road trips I really like them.

4 thoughts on “Road trips

  1. So Lilla have you ever gone to Alabama I like it there. I love long trips some times it gets boring. Do you like over 8 hour trips?

    1. No I have never been to Alabama and yes in do like over 8 hour road trips I think they are fun and you get spend time with your family.

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