It’s time to camp!

You can camp almost anywhere!

Camping at parks can fun because you don’t only have to camp, you can also go on hikes too. Some parks you can camp at are Dinosaur Valley, Codorus, Nigra Falls, Wilderness lodge, or Caledonian. There are many other places you can camp at. I’ve been to lake Champlain once when I went camping. It is a beautiful place and has a nice view and a playground too. Also if you like chipmunks that’s the place for you.

Camping is beautiful

Yes, camping is beautiful but not only for it spectacular views. I know what you’re thinking, what! But I’m telling you it’s not. It’s also for its cool nature and wildlife. Did you know that if you count the number of crickets chirps in fourty seconds it will give you the temperature, cool right. Once when I went camping I saw a rabbit it was pretty small I got a picture of it too. I also saw bats at that same camp site. When you go camping there are many camp sites you can visit that are beautiful to. So have fun.

Things you need

First you will always need food, water and shelter do not forget these three things. Other items you might need are a lamp or a headlamp once when I went camping with my dad we went on a walk in the dark with our head lamps on so we could see. You will also need a tent , a sleeping bag, a first aid kit, and a knife. There are many more things you might need, and sometimes a checklist might help to. When your camping you will need cooking supplies like a pot and something to heat up what’s in the pot. When your camping you also need food. Some good foods to make are like steak, eggs ,s’mores. Mmmm thinking of food is making me hungry.

Fun and relaxing activities

Did you know that camping can relieve stress. Are you worried or stress out about something like maybe a science fair next week. Well don’t be because there are many things you can do to be less stressed out and worried. One thing I would suggest is camping, but only if you have time. Camping to me is so relaxing, all you have to do is sit and listen to the wildlife and look at the view. But if your just camping for the fun of it, your in luck I know a lot of fun games and things you can do. Here’s a list of fun games and other things to do.

  • Cooking s’mores
  • Hiking
  • hide and seek (but don’t hide to far away from camp)
  • scavenger hunts
  • Looking for animals
  • Sketching plants(or plant indentations on paper)

6 thoughts on “It’s time to camp!

  1. I love camping too! Even though I’ve only been camping once. I agree that not only the view is beautiful but the wildlife is just as pretty! Maybe I should take a camping trip to Champlain, it sounds like a lot of fun!

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