Loving German Shepherds

German Shepard Activities

1 German Shepards like to run and go one walks and play fetch and like to go out side. 2 German Shepards also like to play with there owners and like to chew up there shoes. 3.German Shepards lie to play balls it’s there owners like throwing the ball in the wood and let the dogs got get it and they like to some time will eat meet.4 German Shepards like to go swimming in the rivers and some do not.5 German shepherds like to dig holes and like to go out in the snow and play in it they do not like thunderstorms.

Fun Facts

1 German shepherds can run really fast and its really cool to watch them run 2. German shepherds can hear really well. 3 german shepherds can swim really well 4 german. Shepherds can jump really high 4 german shepherds can play ball.5 German shepherds can clime walls.

Cool Tricks

German shepherds can play ball 2 German shepherds can. Clime walls 3 German Shepards can bite really hard 4 German shepherd’s can smell electricity 5 German shepherds can. Eat meet and fish .

16 thoughts on “Loving German Shepherds

  1. I thought some of you facts about German Shepards were really interesting. I was also wondering if you had a German Shepard.

    Sincerely, Lila

  2. I love this post because I have a German Shepard myself its a boy his name is Salem and he is 12 so he’s an old pup but I was wandering if you have a German Shepard?

  3. Do you own a German Shepard or did you research all of this information if you do have a German Shepard what’s its name

  4. I have a German Shepherd too. But I’ve never seen any German Shepherd climb a wall, is that true? Do you have a German shepherd, how old is it, mine is 3.

  5. I think your facts where cool and interesting I have 2 German shepherds and they are like the ones you put on your post.

  6. I have German shepherds I have 2 and Lilly and Bella they can clime walla and to answer the question for how long it takes it takes 3 years.😃

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