Bass fishing

Where they live

Most bass live in ponds. lakes or even live in deep streams. Bass live in fresh water and need a lot of care as a pet. Bass can’t live in salt water if they do it will get in their gills and could eventually kill them. Fish need big tanks to live in if its small they wouldn’t be able to swim.

What they eat

Fish usually eat other fish if they’re big. If you ever put a worm on the hook you might see it eat that too. They eat little bugs on the top of the water two. Really big bass sometimes eat frogs. They also eat crayfish.

How big they are

Bass come in all sizes but most adults can grow to 1 to 2 feet. You can eat bass when they are 1 foot or bigger but they also have to be around 7 to 10 pounds. Baby bass when they are born they are 3 inches. It is a legal to eat a fish under a foot and eat it. The world record bass is 25 pounds and 3 feet. Some bass weigh more than the scale can tell.

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