
Why dogs

I picked dogs because I have one and it is my first dog ever. I have also have taken care of my cousin dog many of times. I love dogs . I think there the most adorable thing ever. I mean just look at them. In my opinion dogs make the best pet a human could ever own.

All about dog

Did you know dogs can read your emotions. My dog can’t. When I cry he starts bitting me. I think he’s broken or he just doesn’t care about me. Dog are the most popular pet on the planet. Some dogs are great swimmers. My dog never been swimming but he likes the water. Kind of. And if he ever went swimming he will probably drown. Dog don’t sweat like we do. Their nose is at least 40x more sensitive then ours. When dogs lick you it a sign that the love you.

All about my dog

My dog is very playful but he gets tried easily. We could be playing for like 2 or 3 minutes and he is all ready tried. My dogs eats everything he sees even if its not edible. A few days ago he ate rat poison so we had to rush him to the vet. When they made him throw up, not only did he throw up the rat poison, but he also threw up a scrunchie, a hair tie, and a sock. He is also really mean but at the same time he is really loyal .

8 thoughts on “ADogs

  1. I was wandering how old is your dog? Also i love this post and i have three dogs 2 golden retrievers and a German Shepard but he’s blind and deaf his name is Salem and the other two is bennee and Joone and my dog joone also eats anything that can go in her mouth.

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