The history of the United States of America

The United States started July 4 1776

The war for independence

The United States started out as the United colonies the British Empire said no to independence. Then the Americans created an army they fought the British and then the British surrendered and finally said yes to independence that’s how the US is independent and the Declaration of Independence was signed and still exists today. And you can go see it for yourself in Washington DC.

The American civil war

Slavery was a thing in America the American civil war started because of one guy saying to end slavery. This guy was named abraham Lincoln he wanted to end slavery but a civil war began. But America won and slavery was ended.

Abraham Lincoln assassination

On April 15th 1865 the president Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes booth.

Abraham Lincoln was at a ceremony until booth snuck in the row where Abraham was and shot him in the back of his head. This led the US army on a 12 day hunt when booth was found in Virginia. Then the Lincoln memorial had been built a few years after his death.

The new state Hawaii

In the year 1900 Hawaii was discovered by the United States. The US took Hawaii as their own. Then the US had Hawaii for years now.

The Pearl Harbor attacks

the Pearl Harbor attacks had and effect on the US, they were not ready.

That was an attack on American soil the Japanese planes ran out of ammunition. The planes had crashed into American battleships to stop them by death Hawaii was under the Japanese rule then the US nuked japan 2 times to stop them.

the new bought state Alaska

During the 1800s the Russian empire did not want Alaska because they did not find any gold.

Then the US bought Alaska from Russia. Then when the US bought Alaska they found gold. Russia was jealous that the US had found gold.

Mount Rushmore

Some people wanted to carve the past presidents faces into a mountain. The UK, France and the US did that and that caused the Great Depression to happen. But they didn’t give up they finished the mountain and called it Mount Rushmore.

The Great Depression

The Great Depression had an impact on the United States. many people lost their jobs and homes because the banks closed. The US started to get more money the Great Depression was over. Banks started to re-open and people started working again, then America was good again.

The creation of NATO

How was nato created the ussr wanted to be the best empire in the world.

Other countries got together and created a treaty organization called NATO

then the ussr tried joining nato but they said ‘no’ then a new organization was born, NATO.

Then in 1991 Russia tried to join, but NATO said “no”.

The United States involved with WW2

When WW2 broke out the US did not want to get involved, until japan attacked Pearl Harbor then the US went to Europe to help the Allies then the UK,US and the ussr divided Germany.

America went to Asia to help china fight japan. Then the United States nuked japan twice then the US took japans weapons. WW2 was over japan has changed and the US gave their weapons back a few years later.

the Korean War

Korea was divided after ww2, Korea was divided into North Korea and South Korea.

Then North Korea wanted to reunite Korea by war. Then the Korean War happened. The United States and United Nations Disided to intervene. then the u.s and u.n gave weapons to South Korea and fought back against North Korea. and then the Soviet Union and china fought back and then the U.S had South Korea. and the Soviet Union had North Korea.

the Vietnam war

Vietnam was divided into capitalist south and communist north. The US wanted to intervene and the Vietnamese hid in the trees. The US lost the war because of the Vietnamese wearing their slippers backwards?

The Vietnamese had their slippers on backwards, so the Americans cot confused so they were running in circles for a few years then finally gave up then the Vietnam war was over.

The Cold War

The Cold War was the U.S and ussr saying that one has more nukes than the other.

The US and ussr choose to put soldiers on other country’s soil. The countrys that were involved in the Cold War Korea, Vietnam, USA and the Soviet Union and china.

The space race

During the Cold War, The United States and Russia wanted to compete in who would get to the moon first. The US got there first by rocket. The United States won the space race by sending 2 people to space and that had the United States as the winner.

The 1993 bombing

In 1993 the world trade centers were blown up by a bomb truck. this happened on February 26th 1993. This incident had 60 fatalities people were Shocked by this but the terrorist leader told us that he would do that so the state knew about what was going to happen.

September 11th 2001

On September 11th 2001 the world and the United States was changed forever.

This happened 8 years after the 1993 bombing. The September 11th attacks did not only change the U.S but the whole world changed.

The world trade centers we’re destroyed by planes the pentagon was hit only by one plane.

On flight 93 the plane was hijacked by terroists and were planing to hit the capital building of Washington DC, the passengers decided to fight back against the hijackers, they won but lost control of the plane and crashed in a field in Pennsylvania this place is now a memorial place. The location is shanksville Pennsylvania. The terrorists had did this for them to end themselves and the lives of others when the aftermath had the World Trade Centers and the pentagon buildings involved with the attacks. Then In 2011 were the terroist leader osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan.

Nearly the lives of 3,000 people were killed on September 11th.

The release of the I phone.

In 2007 the I phone was created, people were scrambling to get the phone. People wanted to buy the whole store of I phones ,but it was 1 phone for each person.

The new World Trade Center tower

In 2015 the one World Trade Center was done being built.

People in New York were complaining that the same thing will happen to the one World Trade Center. They thought terroristis will crash or bomb the building killing others but none of that has happened. Some people call this building the freedom tower.

2022 the Russia, Ukrainian war.

February 2022 was the start of the Ukraine war the US noticed this and gave weapons to

Ukraine. And now Ukraine is beating Russia. Ukraine was not ready for an invasion. Now Ukraine is wining the war, so far their winning with the support of the United States.

Russia is being sanctioned by 45 countries

Israel at war

In the year 2023 Israel had a war with a group called hamas now Israel is at war. Then and had hostages at Israels border. Israel is defending themselves the best they can.

2 thoughts on “The history of the United States of America

  1. I don’t think the US lost in Vietnam because the the death count for North Vietnam was doubled the amount more then the Americans.

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