
Cat breeds

Siamese cats, Siamese cats have many pros and cons. The pros of Siamese cats are that they have a large lifespan up to 15-20 years and they have a short coat, so less grooming. The cons of Siamese cats are, they’re most likely to have cancer when the are older so if you are emotional or quickly get attached to animals emotionally, I don’t recommend them. They like to meow often, they are very vocal cats. They’re good with younger children but better with children that are generally older, 6 and up.

In my opinion the best comfort cats are Siamese cats! Siamese cats have a fluffy coat they need a good brush every 1-2 weeks. They live around 12-14 years but if the cat has a good owner they can have a potential to live another 6 years. They also love to be outside.

In my opinion the second best cat is the  British Longhair, the British longhair cat is obviously a cat with a longer coat so more cat hair everywhere and more brushing, but they’re super fluffy and cute. The British longhair cats are easy to train, overall friendly to everyone, good for first-time pet owners, high potential for weight gain, and requires lots of grooming. This is a great cat for family, but every cat has it’s own personality. They can live up to 12-15 years. In my opinion the British longhair is the cutest cat. That’s just 3 of many cat breeds if you want to know more cat breeds click here!

A cats diet.

A cats diet of course matters on the cats overall health and age but when they’re a kitten you should feed them wet cat food because their teeth are still weak from being so young. Don’t EVER give a kitten almond, dairy, goat, banana, oat, coconut, or anything but cats milk! Why? Well most cats are lactose intolerant, as they don’t have lactose in their intestines to digest the sugar in milk , meaning that milk which contains lactose can make them sick. All cats are lactose intolerant. They can get vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain from drinking it, they’re worse than humans. After the kitten is 4-5 months try to feed them hard food. After that, if they get problems seek veterinary treatment for your cat and follow the steps given by a veterinarian. Wet food (made for cats obviously) is better for cats but hard food is good to make their teeth more strong.

The history

Cats were found in Southeast Asia about 10.8 million years ago. They come from wildcats called “African wildcat”, nowadays found in east Britain, however they are almost extinct. Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures, capable of bringing good luck to the people who had them. Cats were used for killing venomous snakes, mice, and other insects. In the 2500 BCE people thought cats were associated with witchcraft and were disliked until around 2000 BC. Cats hunt mice because of their ancestors use of killing but it depends on the cat you get.

This is what an African wildcat looked like, they seemed so adorable but their personalities surely weren’t cute. At all!

Thinking about getting a cat? 

Now you know mostly everything about cats, here are things to get your new kitten. You’ll be needing to get a litter box and litter (unless you want your house to be the litter box and your cat probably won’t be happy) Food! You’ll need food, reread the “A cats diet” paragraph to see more information. TOYS! They’re a must! It does matter the cats likings (or if they just like to ruin your furniture), and probably giving your cat a lot of attention, if you don’t your cat will most likely bug you to death by rubbing on your leg and making you trip every 5 seconds. But my cat personally likes the toys that you put in the air and make them chase.I recommend going to Petsmart, Petco, or natures pet place.

Where can I buy or adopt a cat?

You can get a cat from a shelter, or a breeder. I’d recommend shelters because they’re full of cats and you’re probably giving the cat another chance to have a good home! But a breeder is fine to you’ll know that the cats is probably not suffering from any heath problems. Many areas have shelters you can search it up, but the ASPCA is mostly the best place to get a cat because they’re cheaper! Most breeders want thousands of dollars for a cat. When you adopt a cat from a shelter just remember you’re giving the cat another chance to live happily with a loving family! I also got my old cat from ASPCA. Always remember when getting any animal, adopt not shop!

What Human food can cats have?

There are a few types of human food cats can have! Believe it or not studies show most cats enjoy human food before the age of 5. Cooked, lean meats such as beef, chicken, turkey, liver and lamb are all ok for a cat to eat but be careful on how much you give them and how big of pieces too. Remove all the bones and skin off before you give it to your cat. Also no raw meat either! A few safe vegetables cats can eat are: cucumber, steamed broccoli, carrots and asparagus and peas however, my cats just walk away from them. Eggs, doesn’t matter what type as long as it’s fully cooked and has absolutely no shell. Most fruits are safe! Bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, seedless watermelon, deseeded peeled apples and pumpkins! No pumpkin seeds though! For more info click here.

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