About Meta Quest 3 And The Price

People are always asking me will the meta quest 3 price go up. And here’s the answer yes it will. Even though it is like 400 it’s going to be the same price as the meta quest 2. Which is 900$. Which I think is really ridiculous. Also people also ask will you make more vr blogs and that is a yes I will make at least 7 if I can. since you guys really enjoy me making these blogs.

About the Price Of the Vr Headset

I dont know if you guys know this but the vr is made to be durable and the quest 3 can stand water. well thats what meta is saying which I have 1 but no way hosay am I trying that. And did you know that the meta quest 3 has 8 gb but the quest 2 has 256 GB dang. Even tho the meta quest 3 has more realistic features than the original quest 1 and 2.

What realstic features the meta quest 3 has

Did you know that meta quest made a suit that you feel pain in the real game and gorilla tag is more realistic and if you get tagged by a lava monkey you will feel like you got stung by a hornet. Also did you know that the meta quest 4 is waterproof pretty cool right? And if you want you can look it up if you want.you can buy it Here

Why People Buying The Quest 2 Than The Quest 3?

Well people are buying the quest 2 because its more cheaper than the quest 3 well because the quest 3 like just came out last month but some people prefer the quest 3 .which I think thats fine but lets talk about the real stuff here. So the 3 and 2 is 1 of the most expensive one of all. Because the quest 1 is only 200$ (hint hint they don’t make them any more sorry)and the 2 is 300$ and the 3 is 600 . That’s insane don’t you think? Well if your wondering the code to play with me it is (123abbc) and you can buy the 3 here

4 thoughts on “About Meta Quest 3 And The Price

  1. You said the quest 3 has 8 gb but when I clicked on the link it has 128gb. And you said the quest 3 was 300 at the start now its 600?

  2. Well it says that it is going to be 600 in 2024 and it doesn’t have 8 gb cause my grandpa
    says he used to work for meta quest but I think that’s a lie

  3. So you said the price will go up and I think its because meta put controllers with no rings also it put color tracking

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