
Soccer is such a fun sport you should play!

Reasons why you should play soccer!

Soccer is a great sport if your fidgety and if you want to have fun. There is a lot of running involved same with being focused. I would know that because I’ve been playing soccer for 8 to 9 seasons. One other thing is boys and girls can play but you stop being on the same team when you get to U9. Now I play U15 with eighth graders.

Things you need for soccer

First you can’t play a sport without protection. So I’m going to tell you what you need to play soccer. Even though the most important piece of equipment is a soccer ball.

Things you need

  1. High socks
  2. Shin guards
  3. Soccer cleats

But if you want to be goal keeper you need gloves.

I mostly play mid field so I don’t really need goal keeper gloves.

Facts about soccer

The most popular facts about soccer is that soccer is actually called football in Europe. Also there is a World Cup every 4 years. Did you know that the first game was played 2,000 years ago by Aztects using a rubber ball. There are also two season that you can play soccer in the fall and in the spring. I prefer to play in the fall. The cool breeze, not to cold not to hot, and what is not to like about playing outside in the fall. I also prefer games over practices. It’s just more fun and you get to show all the stuff you learned at practice. Playing soccer is a great way to make new friends and socialize with them you have to trust them to play with them. Like they always say “there NO I in team” even though we don’t know who is they is. The club team I play for is “Spring Grove soccer association.”I’ve been playing there since I was 7 to 8, but I’ve known the place longer because that is how my siblings learned how to play soccer. ( aka my dad thought them most of the things they know.) Now there in high school and playing the Spring Grove Rockets.

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