Spring or Fall?๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‚

All about fall!๐Ÿ‚

First Iโ€™m going to tell you all about fall! Everyone seeโ€™s fall as a cold season with pumpkin spice lattes, but thereโ€™s way more to fall than that! I will tell you everything about fall you need to know. Did you know, that in fall some of the brightest full moons happen! Also, fall leafs are caused by sugar! Thereโ€™s nothing I really hate about fall I just dislike how cold it can get! Do you like apples? If so in fall there are more than 7,500 apple varieties!! Yum!๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ

All about spring!๐ŸŒท

Now I am going to tell you everything about spring you need to know! Most people see spring as that warm season close to summer! But thereโ€™s more to spring than that!! Now most people know this, but did you know in spring days get longer! Also in spring animals awaken from hibernation. Last, did you know that in spring the earths axis starts to tilt towards the sun! ๐ŸŒž

Spring or fall?๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ’

Now its time for you to choose what do you like better spring or fall?? In my personal opinion I think fall is better. I think fall is better for many reasons. First I think fall is better because thereโ€™s so many fun activities like the apple harvest festival, haunted houses, and my personal favorite haunted hayrides. I also like fall because thereโ€™s so many great days like Halloween, and my birthday!! The reason spring is not my favorite is because I have seasonal allergies and in spring with all the pollin and grass it just really irritates me! Thanks for reading my blog! ๐Ÿ’ซ

9 thoughts on “Spring or Fall?๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‚

  1. Yes I love fall too. I love the Halloween feeling and the spooky season I donโ€™t want it to end but but its so nice in the beginning of fall, its cool and then near winters your freezing. Fall is also beautiful with the orange, brown, red leafs.

      1. True, there does come to the fact of seasonal allergies but, this is the time the flowers bloom and just very wonderful season.

  2. I like fall way more that spring because of my birthday and way more other things. So I agree with you in this blog. Good job making it.

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