All about Volleyball

The positions in volleyball

There a lot of positions! There is a total of 5 positions. There are setter, outside hitter, opposite hitter, Libero , and middle blocker. If you’re a setter I think it’s extremely hard because you can over hand or under hand, and both are hard for me, but I prefer underhand. Setter is a position where you kinda like pass the ball over the net and play it out until one of the teams gets a point. A outside hitter is a person who stands to the left of the net and tries to block and hit over the net. A opposite hitter is a right side hitter. A Libero is a back row player who can only be switched with the same person it replaces. Now the last one of the 5 positions! Last but no least a middle blocker. A middle blocker is a person who has to read attacks soon to get their had up to block the attack! So there are a lot of positions and my favorite is a middle blocker my least is a setter.

Why I dislike Volleyball

I only dislike volleyball for very few reasons. One is Volleyball is very competitive and if your a couch potato like me the next morning after volleyball practice your butt and ur thighs will all hurt a lot, trust me! I also dislike volleyball because you don’t have very many tournaments, I only have 3 and they start in January though I’m not sure when but what I’m trying to say is we only have 3 tournaments. I also don’t like Volleyball because after you go to practice you will be so tired, sweaty, and extremely hungry. My team has practice every Monday and Thursday and after volleyball I wanna eat, shower and then go to bed!
Even though I have quite a few things I dislike I still love Volleyball because it’s really fun and it’s just a big, big, big, workout.

Reasons I love Volleyball

I love volleyball for many reasons! I love volleyball because since you have knee pads it’s super fun to slide on the floor with them! Even though it might seem scary trust me it doesn’t hurt and it’s actually extremely fun! I also volleyball because it’s a lot of exercise, it really helps your legs get stronger and your arms! It helps your legs by running, sliding and jumping for the ball. It helps your arms by being more tough, and way strong because if you get a tip then you hit it over then that helps your arms by just hitting it in the air! So it’s a LOT of exercise. And the next morning you will be tired and very sore.

The easiest skill in volleyball

The easiest skill in volleyball is techniques for serving. Which definitely shocked me a little. If it was my disunion, I would choose hitting, or blocking. Than serving is my worst. But all people are different. Serving is hard for me because you have to throw the ball in the air with your bad hand (my left hand). And that’s hard for me. Also you have to have ur bad foot. (If you’re a right handed person like me you would step out with ur left foot to serve). And if you’re like me it’s very hard to get a good over hand serve.

The hardest skill in volleyball

The hardest skill is blocking and again when I searched that up and saw it said blocking, again I was very shocked! Because one of my best skills is blocking. Blocking is the hardest skill because when you block you have to move in a specific way to get to the right spot to get the ball. Also it takes the hardest time to get the skill out of all the other spots and positions. But if you do play the spot of blocking you will play in the front either in middle or outside. I play middle so I can block and spike or if you can’t spike you will set the ball over or pass the ball over the net. But the hardest skill is blocking, I also think its a little had because if you short and your blocking its a little difficult but if you average or kinda tall its way easier.

How I practice

This is my first year playing volleyball and I do have a lot of struggles when I play, for example, my serves aren’t the worst or the best and I underhand because I think over hand is had but I practice both. I also struggle a little when I spike because you have to have a lot of arm strength to get it over the net. I also practice on Mondays and Thursdays at the tech center after school. My team practice for about 2 hours and 15 minutes. So it’s a long practice and it’s very tiring after or toward the end. But it’s very fun.

2 thoughts on “All about Volleyball

    1. Yeah I love to play, at recess and just at practice. I’ve grown on volleyball ever since I saw people playing it just looking so fun and I decided I wanted to play this year and I love it!

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