

Easter is on the first Sunday after the full moon. Kids see Easter as candy, Easter baskets, have an Egg_hunt, paint eggs, and some even go to church. But why do we have easter may you ask? Well, the answer is simple. It was because Jesus rose again on April 1st, AD 33. Kids sometimes like this holiday because of the money and candy they can find inside their eggs.

The Easter Bunny!

Think about Easter, what do you think? some think of the Easter_Bunny. In the early 1700’s the Easter bunny was born. Every Easter the Easter bunny will come and put eggs around peoples homes, and baskets depending on how many kids there are in the family. The eggs symbolize Christianity. The Easter Bunny originated originally from Germany.


Christmas is on December 25. On Christmas kids wake up to presents under the Christmas tree. Why do we get presents? Well, Santa gives us presents depending on how good we are throughout the whole year. That’s why it’s at the end of the year. Notice how the word “Christmas’” has the word Christ in it? Well, it is because people theorize that Jesus was born on December 25th.


Think about Christmas, what do you think? Some think about Santa_Claus. Some say Santa is the person that put presents under the tree and stuff in your stocking. some say that our parents do that, what do you think? Between 260 and 280 AD Santa was born, that’s about 1751 years ago. Some know Santa as St. Nicholas. In my opinion Santa is a better name for him. Santa lives in the North Pole with his elf’s and reindeer. Some kids have an elf that comes in December to see you if you are being good.

New Year’s Eve

New Years Eve is where you have an excuse to stay up late. Some people watch the ball drop at home or in Manhattan, New York. There are some people singing and a there is a party. Some people make New Year’s resolutions some actually keep them most probably don’t, have you ever kept one, and what was it? New Year’s Eve is on December 31 and new years is January 1st. Here is a video of the Times_Square_Ball

Here is a video of the ball drop on new years! Enjoy!

Halloween/All Hallows Eve

Halloween is on October 31st. Halloween is when you give out candy or get Candy. You can wear costumes it can be scary, funny ,cute , or weird. Some areas don’t have trick or treating on Halloween some have the city/neighborhood has a few weeks or days before Halloween. You may be wondering why we celebrate Halloween it is because on that day people believe that the souls of the dead would can back so people dress up to protect them self. 2,000 years ago was the first Halloween but it wasn’t in till 1930s that trick or treating was invented.


just like Easter thanksgiving is not on the same date. Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. Some families get together with their grandparents, parents, siblings, mother in law, father in law, cousins, and more. Some just get together with their parents and siblings, and maybe be partners. Some people eat Thanksgiving_dinner, also known as turkey, ham, chicken, mashed potatoes, corn ,stuffing , and more delicious food what do you eat on thanksgiving and when do you eat some eat lunch some eat dinner . Some may be asking what stuff do some people do well some go around saying what they are thankful for, watch the Macy’s parade, break a wish bone for good luck and more. The Macy’s parade is a giant parade held in New York City is every thing held there. The parade has a bunch of floats, dancers, and marching bands. At the end of the parade you can see Santa. here is a video enjoy.


Hanukkah is a holiday celebrated by Jewish people. A fun fact about Hanukkah would be that if doesn’t fall on the same day every year, unlike Christmas. Last year in 2023, Hanukkah fell on December 7th, and ended on December 15th, Friday. It celebrates “the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BC.” Hanukkah lasts for 8 days and each sundown each day they light one candle besides Friday evening. It is forbidden to eat shellfish or pork. Jews will not mix dairy or meat in the some meal for example if there is chicken there wont be butter or cheese.


Now I know this is really a holiday, but it is celebrated. We celebrate our birthday mark a passage of time. I think the reason is so we know how old we are and so we remember the day we were born. Because I know I would not remember if we did celebrate. Why do we get presents, it is quite simple it just so they show that they appreciate us. Did you know that South Korean everyone turns one year old on new years. When they are born they are one years old. Well before they changed it now it is like how most places have it so everyone is one year younger now. Can you imagine being born the day before new years you are two but still not even a week in the world. You might be wondering, who was the first to mention birth days it was the ancient Egypt around 3,000 bc that was a long time ago.

6 thoughts on “Holidays

  1. Wow! I love this post! I really enjoy the bits in information about each holiday! What’s your favorite holiday?

  2. I have two fun facts for you, did you know that it doesn’t matter what day it is Jewish people can never eat pork, and the word jew is a very offensive term to call a Jewish person.

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