The Baltimore bridge collapse

On march 26 2024 at 1:30 am. A cargo ship was repeatedly loosing power to the ship which the bridge was evacuated before hand, it hit the bridge causing it to collapse. A few cars and construction workers fell and were missing and are unknown to be alive. They had sent a search and rescue team to the waters and found 3 cars with people inside. They are all presumed to be dead but the constitution workers have not to be found. They are planing to call of the search for the workers.

The following morning

Later on in the day, severe damage was done to the boat after the collapse. Then rommers spread all over the internet and social media. People were saying that it was a terrorist attack or hijacking. The theory’s hade no answer. The bridge and ship was there for a month in a half.

Cleaning the wreak

The bridge was then after weeks of being there, it was being removed from the water and on the ship. After almost 2 months, it was then taken back to port. They had listened to the black box recording and it was indeed the power kept loosing and which caused it to crash. They are going to reconstruct the bridge in a few months, and make it taller so ships can pass through. The ship is still on hold for the shipment.

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