How to get amazing at tumbling

How and why stretching can help

Why should we stretch before and after doing tumbling? Even though you sometimes don’t stretch before you tumble you still should and here’s why, you should do a lot of exercise and stretching why, because if you don’t do those things you pull a muscle or hurt yourself. So if you want to get better at tumbling you should do backbends, jumping jacks, planks and maybe Russian twits. It can help you get more flexible and way more stronger if you just stretch.

Taking classes (YMCA classes)

I know not everyone has the money, but if you want to get better or if u think it will be good for you. You could take some classes on certain days. I took gymnastics and I went to the “YMCA”. So if you want to that’s a good suggestion to get better. When I was there they practiced backbends, Handstands, Cartwheels and so on. So there are a lot of things that you could do to help but in my opinion if you take classes it would really help if you put effort into it.

Be more confident in yourself

If you want to learn how to tumble you need to be very confident in yourself. If you’re to scared it may be to hard to do something’s because your scared, Or you don’t wanna hurt yourself. It will also take you a very long time because again you are scared you will hurt yourself or something else. So if you wanna learn how to do it in a short period of time, again don’t be scared. To be honest I almost have my Ariel and I can’t get it because i’m scared. So again be very confident so you can do more things than just a cartwheel or a handstand.

Running (exercise you legs)

Taking runs can really help you with strengthening your legs. Why will taking runs help?, because it will help if you want to do back walk overs so you can kick over. Or like a front walk over, runs can also help if you want do stand back up. It may take a while but, taking runs can help way more than you think. Running can also help because if you want to things like kart wheels, handstands, front and back walk overs you need to be able to have really good leg strength and core strength, and taking runs can definitely help with a lot of things.

Having fun

I love tumbling I’ve practiced a lot over the years, and I can almost do a Ariel. Just because I stretch, exercise and (sometimes take runs). So if you really want to learn how to tumble try to think of ways to help. You can also get mats or a trampoline so you can practice on that and so when you get the thing your wanting to do on there try on the ground. I’m sure you can get what your trying to work on.

What I’ve done that can help and why it helps

I’ve done a lot of things that can help because, I’ve done gymnastics and cheerleading for about 6 years total. So I have a lot of experience that helps me with these tumbling skills, I only did gymnastics for 2 years, and I’ve done cheerleading for 4 years. So I added them together 6 years of experience. I can almost do an areal like I said and I can do a split. That took a while. I have a lot of methods if you want to get your areal.

  1. Do a little jump like you would about to do it.
  2. Do a areal but very small and don’t do a full one just do a tiny jump while doing it.
  3. Then do that over again
  4. if you feel like your good with that do that but tuck your head in
  5. Try if you have a trampoline try on there so if you fall you don’t get hurt
  6. Try on the ground

And there is a way I’ve been working on that could help. Or if that dose not work try Pinterest that helps me.

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