Things you need to know about Braces!

Many people in the ages 8-30 wear braces due to the fact that their teeth need fixed. Braces help many things in your smile including, crooked teeth, large gaps, and your jaw! They are known to shift your teeth and jaw into their proper positions.

And here’s a fun fact: 20% of people who have braces are 18 years old or older! So if you are an adult with braces, you’re not alone!! I actually consider braces stylish!

Are braces bad? What’s good about them?

Having braces may be a painful and not pleasant experience, but the after results are worth it! They help improve your teeth’s health, function, and appearance! It is very common, and I mean very common for a child, or teen to need braces.

Many children are excited to get their braces on due to the fact of color picking. Every time you see the orthodontist, you can pick a new color or colors for your braces. All the colors are great but I wouldn’t recommend yellow, white, or brown. They don’t make your teeth look any whiter. The best colors in my opinion include: royal blue, red, purple, pink, teal, and green!

What food can I not eat?

As you may know, having braces lead to not being able to eat many of your favorite foods. Even though you may be upset about what you can’t eat, it really will be worth the wait. If you do indeed eat the non braces safe food, your bracket could break, and you’d have to get new ones put on. Now, this may seem like a simple process, but it’s not! It costs a lot of money, and that food could damage your teeth if eaten too much.

Now here are some of the popular candies and desserts you CAN’T eat: gum, taffy, gummies, toffee,chips ahoy, skittles, twizzlers, air heads, starburst, tootsie rolls, dum dums, Twix, and chocolate bars with almonds.

Here are some other popular foods you CAN’T eat: nuts, popcorn, apples whole, hard veggies, corn on the cob, pizza crust, ice, beef jerky, sugary drinks, caramel, steak, pretzels, hard crackers, peanuts, Cheetos, peaches, and pears.

What can I eat?

The foods that are commonly consumed with people who have braces must be soft, non chewy, and safe for your teeth.

Here are some: soup, cooked veggies, yogurt, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, seafood, bread, cheese, soft fruits, pasta, grains, soft hamburgers, Mac and cheese, cheetoh puffs, and any cut fruit!

After your braces are put on, they may hurt, so some soft foods help the pain in your mouth go away. I’d suggest: ice cream, tea, hot coca, soft popsicles, yogurt, jello, and smoothies!

It’s ok to be upset with the alternates of your favorite foods, but when your braces come off you can’t eat everything you want. Your teeth should result perfectly after the process, If not see your dentist!

If you don’t want braces.

If braces are a no-go to you or your family, there are some alternatives!

Invisalign is also used for the ones who don’t want braces. Invisalign is also good, because you can eat whatever you want, if you take them out. They still hurt due to the shifting in your teeth but, they move your teeth the same way braces do.

Invisalign costs the same as braces, but the downside is having to take them out when you eat. They work and cost the same, so its up to you!

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