🇺🇸Our freedom givers 🇺🇸


These vehicles are bulletproof. Army has 225,000 vehicles of all types. The Army is not alone having large fleets of vehicles. As the other ground service, the Marine Corps owns many of the same types of vehicles as the Army. The strongest vehicle the army has is the M1 Abrams. The biggest vehicle the army has is the Char 2C.

The strongest vehicle M1 Abrams

The biggest vehicle Char 2C

Why they fight 🫡

To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies. To maintain by timely and effective military action the security of the United States its areas vital to its interest. They risk there lives to let you live free. Most people don’t care about their life. The military doesn’t want another war like WW1 and WW2.

My family

Grandmother 1981. army

Great great uncle Paul Plank and the ship he served on. Navy

Great grandfather Jesse Hoffman. army

Great great aunt WW2 nurse. army

Grandfather stationed in Korea in 1982. army

Family friend Mr. Kenny. Marines

My cousin Josh plank. Army

Kaleb Kuhn family friend. Army

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